Throughout human history, people have always questioned themselves about the end of times, that is, the end of the world. It is always conceived of as a "time of great distress" when people must endure all kinds of suffering. It will be a time of chaos, when nature will rebel against itself, bringing in the collapse of the natural order. It is accepted, even by scientists, that the world will end. When will that happen? Science has no answer for that. However, some people claim to have special and secret knowledge that enables them to assert the time and date of such an event. During the most difficult periods of history, eschatological movements have led people to prepare themselves for the incoming end. And so it is during this time of ours. many groups, while predicting the end of the world, call on people to be prepared and take measures to survive.
Christians associate the end of times with the second coming of Jesus Christ. He will come to fulfil the work of salvation, establishing a new order by creating new heavens and new earth. Then, we will be filled with the glory of God, who will be all in all (1 Co 15:28). This crowning of the work of salvation will be preceded by judgment. Seated on his throne of glory, Jesus Christ will reward or punish us according to our choices and behaviour here on earth.
“And then they will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory; then too he will send the angels to gather his chosen from the four winds, from the ends of the world to the ends of heaven.”
That’s why the Christians don’t live in fear but call on the Lord Jesus: “Come, Lord Jesus!” (Ap 22:20; 1 Co 16:22)). Do not delay, Lord. Come and bring the fulfilment of the Kingdom of God. As for the time of the end of the world, we should not worry. Nobody knows: “But as for that day or hour, nobody knows it, neither the angels of heaven, nor the Son; no one but the Father.”
For that day - be it the end of our lives or the end of the world, we must be prepared:
Stay awake, praying at all times
for the strength to stand with confidence
before the Son of Man. (Lk21:36)