Saturday 25 November 2023



As we come to the end of the liturgical year, we are called to reflect upon the end of times. The preceding parables in chapter 25 of Matthew gave a clear indication that the gates of heaven will not be wide open to whoever comes to them. Only those who fulfil certain conditions will have the gates open for them. Thus, the five foolish virgins, coming late, found the gate closed and were denied entrance, despite their plea. In the same, the one who did nothing with his talent was condemned. Being considered worthless, was cast “into the outer darkness” (Mt 25:30). Salvation cannot be taken for granted. In the end, each one of us will be answerable for his actions and will get a reward or a punishment according to the way he lived. We are servants who were entrusted with the gifts of God and we must prove that we deserve God’s trust. It is true that, no matter how much we try, we never deserve the right to be accepted in God’s Kingdom. We must open our hearts and let them be enkindled by God’s love. Our salvation is always a gift of God’s merciful love, and we must accept that gift with thanksgiving. Having been loved, we must love; forgiven, we must forgive; having experienced mercy, we must be merciful. Indeed, God’s gifts to us must bear fruits. We cannot be like that fig tree on which Jesus found no fruit.

This Sunday parable situates the whole of humanity at the end of times when all will be called to judgement. Then, we will be separated “one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.”. Before the Messiah - the Son of Man - the great assembly of all peoples will be gathered. The blessed will be on his right, while the cursed will be on the left. The blessed ones will inherit the kingdom prepared for them, and the cursed will be sent to eternal fire. All will be judged by the commandment of love. Those filled with the love of God were able to show mercy and compassion to those who passed through suffering: they behaved as true children of God. Others were so filled with themselves that they only showed despise and contempt for those in need. Their hearts were like hard stones with rough edges that injured those who approached them. They cannot enter the kingdom of God. Their hearts will burn for eternity, not with love but with hatred.

May the Lord open our hearts and minds, so that we may learn from him to be merciful as he is merciful.

Saturday 18 November 2023



This Sunday’s gospel presents the parable of the talents, which makes us reflect upon the purpose of life, making it clear that we will be called upon to give an account of the way we live. Life itself is a gift. In a way, it was entrusted to us but does not belong to us. And with life, we are entrusted with many other gifts.

According to the parable, a rich man entrusted his wealth to his servants, while he was going abroad. “To one he gave five talents, to another two, to a third one; each in proportion to his ability.” During Jesus' time, a talent was a unit of weight, mainly for gold and silver. A talent could weigh between 20 and 40 kg., meaning that even the one who received one talent got a huge fortune. We may be puzzled that they were treated differently but a reason is given: according to their ability. Nowadays, there is a concerted effort to establish not only equality but equity. It seems that the parable goes against this modern trend. The parable implies that we are treated differently because we are different, and no matter what we do we remain different. The world is built on difference and it is an impossible dream to establish equity. The parable invites us to accept reality. It is true that all of us have the same dignity and are called to walk along the path of life; however, each one has to make his journey, finding his difficulties and making his own decisions.

The ones entrusted with the money were servants, not the owners. The property did not belong to them. Maybe they were proud of the trust put in them, At the same time, they might be apprehensive since something might happen and the wealth is lost. The parable presents two types of servants: a) Those who showed resourcefulness, initiative and creativity. With their hard work and good administration, they doubled the wealth entrusted to them. b) The one who lacked self-confidence, was afraid of taking risks and behaved lazily.

One day, their lord came and they had to account for their administration. The ones who made good use of the property entrusted to them were praised and rewarded because they proved to be faithful, committed, selfless, hardworking. The lazy one who did nothing with what he had received was scolded and punished.

We have been entrusted with many talents that we must develop and make good use of. We must not forget that we are called to responsibility. We are answerable for our lives and we must give account of our administration. May the Lord find us faithful.

Saturday 11 November 2023



In this Sunday, we are presented with one more parable of the Kingdom of God. The parable refers to a wedding ceremony since the wedding feast is one of the great symbols of the Kingdom of God. According to tradition, after negotiations with the bride’s family, the bridegroom would come to take the bride to his house. Everybody was waiting for him but, as he was much delayed, many got tired and fell asleep. The parable centres our attention on the ten bridesmaids, that is the maids of honour who accompanied the bride. With her, they were waiting for the groom. Five of them had prepared themselves for a possible delay, which was to be expected. They took with them enough oil to top up their lamps, being ready for any eventuality. It would be embarrassing and shameful to accompany the groom and his bride without lamps to dispel the darkness of the night. The other five did not prepare themselves or were careless in their preparation. They took little oil with them and when their lamps went off, they had no way of bringing them on. As a first attempt to solve the problem, they asked the other five to share with them but they refused. We may be shocked by their callousness. Is it not against the command of love? However, their answer was explicit and reasonable.  If we share, none of us will have enough and all lamps will go off. That would bring great shame on the bride who had no true and reliable friends. So, they had to look for oil somewhere else. And they were not there when the groom arrived. They came late and they found the doors of the wedding hall locked. They knocked, but the groom refused to open for them. They were useless and unreliable; they did not deserve to go inside and sit at the table feast. 

The parable teaches us that we don’t have guaranteed a place in the Kingdom of God. We may be denied entrance and be excluded. We are not assured of salvation. We must be prepared, that is, we must have enough oil with us. There might be times of slackening. All of them fell asleep, but five of them had enough oil - the oil of faith and love, and they joined the groom in the wedding feast.

The parable makes it clear as well that there are things that cannot be shared. The commitment is personal and cannot be shared with others. The example of our commitment may help others to be committed, but they must have their oil of faith and love. Let us ask the Lord that we may be found prepared when the bridegroom - Christ - arrives.

Saturday 4 November 2023


SOLEMNITY OF ALL SAINTS - Revelation 7:2-4,9-14

In places where the first of November is not a holy day, the solemnity of All Saints is celebrated this Sunday. We may ask: What are we celebrating? 

The first reading, taken from the book of Revelation, speaks of a huge assembly “standing in front of the throne and in front of the Lamb”. The totality of the people of God - “a hundred and forty-four thousand”, that is twelve thousand times twelve - had been marked with a seal as being “the servants of our God”. The Saints are all those who are marked as “servants of God” Indeed, in baptism, we “were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit” (Ep 1:13) to be children of God. The members of the people of God are “a huge number, impossible to count, of people from every nation, race, tribe and language”. They are standing “dressed in white robes and holding palms in their hands.” And all proclaim God’s praise and sing his victory: “Victory to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.” Then, everybody prostrates themselves in worship.

Today, all of us are called to join the divine worship taking place in heaven, giving thanks and praise to the Lord. With the angels and saints, we say: 

“Amen. Praise and glory 

and wisdom and thanksgiving 

and honour and power 

and strength to our God 

for ever and ever. Amen.”

Who are those dressed in white robes? They “are the ones coming out of the great tribulation. They have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.” Here on earth, all have to pass through the great tribulation, since all of us are being tested and all of us are being touched by the contamination of sin. However, in baptism we were washed in the blood of Christ, going through death with him to rise to eternal life with him. The Lord Jesus Christ shed his blood “for many for the forgiveness of sins.”

Marked with the seal of the Holy Spirit, we are children of God. Saint John says it very clearly in his first letter: God’s love for us is so great that he “lets us be called God’s children, and that is what we are.” One day, the glory of God will be manifested in us to the full and then “we shall be like him” (1 Jn 3:1-3).