Saturday 4 July 2020


Prophet Zachariah tells Jerusalem to rejoice and “shout with gladness”, because her king is coming and he presents himself as “victorious” and “triumphant”. However, he is a king of a different kind, since his victory was not achieved by using instruments of war in the conquest of the nations or in the overpowering of the enemies. It is on a donkey that he rides into the city, openly showing that he is not a threat to anybody. Although victorious, he is “humble” and he is determined to banish horses, chariots, bows, spears and swords. “He will proclaim peace for the nations” (Zach 9:9-10), because he is the Prince of Peace (Is 9:6).
The text of Zachariah (the firs reading) comes as an introduction to the gospel, in which Jesus presents himself as humble and in his humility he calls everybody to come to him and find peace.
Jesus gives thanks to the Father, because he reveals his mystery and the mystery of his plan of salvation to the humble, “to mere children”, while hiding them from the rich, the powerful and the learned. Those who are full of themselves and boast of their power, wealth and knowledge. Surely, Jesus had in mind the Scribes, the Pharisees, the Sadducees and the Herodians, all influential people, who had the control of the political power and who thought to know the right way to God. They despised everybody else and considered them sinners. However, throughout the Scriptures, we always find God listening to the cry of the poor and showing mercy to the humble ones.
The Father has put everything in the hands of the Son (Jesus) and Jesus comes to establish His Kingdom of Peace, since he comes to fulfil the Father’s plan, which is a plan of life and salvation, a plan of peace. It is through Jesus that we come to know God’s plan and decision. It is Jesus who reveals the inner self of the Father, who accepts us as his beloved children. 
In Jesus, we see the face of the Father and we can be touched by his love and compassion. In all truth, Jesus can say to us: 
“Come to me, 
all you who labour 
and are overburdened, 
and I will give you rest. 
Shoulder my yoke and learn from me, 
for I am gentle and humble in heart, 
and you will find rest for your souls. 
Yes, my yoke is easy and my burden light.”
In difficult times, when we lose direction, becoming hopeless and distraught, we must turn to Jesus and address to him our concerns. Where there is no way, he will find a way for us, and he will bring peace to our hearts. 

Let us entrust ourselves to Jesus, confiding in him. Let us entrust to Jesus our relatives, our friends, our neighbours, our community and our country, so that we may find peace.

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