Saturday 14 November 2020



In chapter 25 of his gospel, Matthew gives us three parables, which deal with the same issue: each one of us will have to answer before God for our lives here on earth. Entrance in heaven is not guaranteed and cannot be taken for granted. We indeed have no right to enter the Kingdom of God, seat at God’s table and share in his master’s happiness. That is only possible, due to God’s love and mercy. We are saved by grace, which has to be accepted in faith. 

In Bemba, there is a proverb that says: Apasamika umutali, umwipi teti afikepo, which means: where the tall one puts something, the short one cannot reach there. Indeed, we cannot be at God’s level. That is only possible because God, in his great love, sent his Son to lift us up. And he did it, taking human flesh and becoming one like us. However, for us to be lifted and reach to heaven, we must believe in Jesus Christ, as the Son of God: “whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life”. (Jn 3:16). 

We must listen to God’s voice and behave according to his commandments. In the second reading of this Sunday’s liturgy, Paul tells us that we must live as children of light (1 Th 5:5). 

In the parable of the ten virgins, five were left out, because they had not prepared themselves. In the parable of the talents, which is read this Sunday, the master entrusted different talents to his servants, according to their ability. Indeed, we are different in so many respects that complete equality may not be possible, despite the present ideology that claims for it. In the parable, the starting point of each servant was different: one received five talents, the other two and third one. The first two, who worked hard and showed commitment, received the same reward: “come and join in your master’s happiness.” We may say that they ended up receiving the same treatment. However, the third one proved to be lazy and did not add anything to what he had received. For that, he was excluded. Instead of being rewarded, he receiveD punishment.

All of us hope to be welcomed in God’s Kingdom and take part in God’s happiness. For that, we must be committed and responsible, working hard with the gifts God has granted us.

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