Saturday 19 June 2021



At the end of the day, with his disciples, Jesus crosses the lake “to the other side”, that is to the territory of Decapolis, which was already outside the land of Palestine, thus being pagan land. This symbolises the move of the Church towards foreign land to proclaim the Good News to the Gentiles (all those who were not Jews). This move was not an easy one. It was more like a dangerous adventure.

The crossing of the lake had everything to make it terrifying: the darkness of the night, the heavy and strong winds and the waves tossing the boat in all directions and spilling water all over as if they were going to engulf it. Jesus was with them. However, while the disciples struggled with the waves and tried to steer it to safety, Jesus slept, unconcerned, as if he was not there. It is the same with the Church. Many times, when she sails through rough waters, we have the feeling that the Lord Jesus Christ is absent, but he is with us. He has entrusted the work to us and he is with us, always ready to hear our cry for deliverance. Whenever we feel in danger, we can approach him and repeat the words pronounced by the apostles: “Master, do you not care? We are going down!” Jesus reproached them for their lack of faith, but he used all his power to bring everything under control so that the disciples could find rest and peace.

In the second reading (2 Corinthians 5:14-17), we hear Paul telling the Corinthians that Jesus’ love is overwhelming. He died for all of us so that in him we might be alive for God. We should be dead to the world, “so that living men should live no longer for themselves, but for him who died and was raised to life for them.” In Christ, we have become “a new creation”, as the glory of God become more and more manifest in our lives.

“Some sailed to the sea in ships

  to trade on the mighty waters.

These men have seen the Lord’s deeds,

  the wonders he does in the deep.

For he spoke; he summoned the gale,

  tossing the waves of the sea

up to heaven and back into the deep;

  their souls melted away in their distress.

Then they cried to the Lord in their need

  and he rescued them from their distress.

He stilled the storm to a whisper:

  all the waves of the sea were hushed.”

Psalm 107

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