Saturday 13 May 2023


VI EASTER SUNDAY - John 14:15-21

This Sunday, we direct our gaze towards the coming of the Holy Spirit. Due to the persecution that reigned in Jerusalem, many disciples left and got scattered all around. Philip went to Samaria and there proclaimed the gospel with great success. However, despite being evangelised and baptised, they were not yet a truly Christian community, since they had not received the Holy Spirit (Act 8:16). For the group of disciples to be one body with Christ, they must receive the Holy Spirit.

In the Gospel, Jesus promised that he would not leave us orphans and that he would be with us. That’s why he promised to send us the Spirit, his Spirit - the Spirit of truth, who comes to be with us forever. The Holy Spirit illumines and guides us, taking us to Christ. Through the Spirit who dwells in us,  we become children of God and the brethren of Jesus Christ. He is the Paraclete, that is the Advocate and the Consoler. It is the Holy Spirit that unites us with Christ so that Christ is in us and we are in Christ. It is He who pours into our hearts the love of God, transforming us from within and making it possible to keep Christ’s commandments. The true disciple of Jesus Christ is the one who walks on Christ’s path, guided by his commandment.

In the second reading (1 Peter 3:15-18), St. Peter advises us to “always have your answer ready for people who ask you the reason for the hope that you all have.” That readiness comes from the Holy Spirit who gives the knowledge and the wisdom to give a convincing answer. In our lives, by our actions and by our words, we must be true witnesses of Jesus Christ.

Let’s ask the Lord to give us the grace of opening our hearts to the Holy Spirit, allowing him to transform us and make us in Christ’s image.

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