Saturday 2 March 2024


III SUNDAY OF LENT - John 2:13-25

After hearing the proclamation of this Sunday’s gospel, what is our reaction? How can we classify Jesus’ behaviour? We get the impression that he was a troublemaker, who tried to initiate a riot. The Temple authorities could not be pleased with such behaviour and questioned him: How can you “justify what you have done?”

The Temple was built on top of Mount Sion, thus being called as well Temple Mount. The whole area around the temple was considered to be part of the temple. The same gospel of John presents Jesus “walking in the temple, in the colonnade of Solomon” (Jn 10:23). As part of the temple compound, there was a big courtyard, where the Gentiles could go. It was there that the sellers of the animals needed for the sacrifices would set up their shops. Anywhere, when there is a big feast, traders put up their stalls and all kinds of businesses thrive. In Jerusalem, mainly for the Passover, there were always thousands of pilgrims. Most of them, would not carry the animals for the sacrifices; instead, they would buy them at the temple. However, most of the business taking place at the Temple Mount was controlled by the High Priest’s family, which was accused of abuse and exploitation. 

In the line of the prophets, Jesus did an action of protest that would be well accepted by the majority of the people. According to Jesus, the temple stopped being a place of worship and became a market, that is a place of business, where all kinds of business take place. Thus, moved by the zeal of God’s house, Jesus takes action and cleanses the temple, so that it becomes a place of encounter with the Lord.

Answering the Jews who questioned his action, Jesus alluded to the destruction of the Temple. However, John tells us that, using ambiguous language, Jesus was referring to his body as the Temple. He is the true Temple where the Father dwells and where he can be worshipped. The leaders of the Jews will try to destroy that Temple by sentencing Him to death, but Jesus will rise victorious on the third day. He will suffer death and then overcome it through his resurrection.

Jesus’ body is the true sanctuary that makes true worship possible.

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