Saturday 21 September 2024



In the second reading (James 3:16-4:3), taken from James, we are presented with two opposing models of behaviour: one guided by “the wisdom that comes down from above” and the other guided by the wisdom of this world. In between the two, we are compelled to make a choice.

Under the wisdom of this world, we allow “the desires fighting inside our own selves” to be in command of our lives. We are dominated by jealousy and ambition which brings about disharmony, violence, “wars and battles”; so we are “prepared to kill”.

The wisdom that comes from above has a different outcome: it “is essentially something pure; it also makes for peace, and is kindly and considerate; it is full of compassion and shows itself by doing good.” When we guide ourselves by this wisdom, we become peacemakers. And the peacemakers shall be called children of God (Mt 5,9).

In the gospels, we can see jealousy and ambition at work in the apostles. Jesus was explaining to them that he would be arrested, tried, convicted and killed, but they couldn’t understand. Maybe they didn’t want to understand. Moved by ambition, they worried about their positions in the Kingdom of God. All of them wanted the first place to be the greatest. Aware of that, Jesus told them openly: “If anyone wants to be first, he must make himself last of all and servant of all.” Then, he brought a child into their midst to be a role model. They must humble themselves and be ready to welcome those who are small, pure and innocent, like children. The world will despise them and try to get rid of them but, in the end, they will be welcomed into the Kingdom of God.

Let us pray with the psalmist: 

For proud men have risen against me,

  ruthless men seek my life.

  They have no regard for God.

The Lord upholds my life.

But I have God for my help.

  The Lord upholds my life. (Psalm 54).

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