Saturday 5 October 2024



Time and again, the Pharisees approached Jesus to try his knowledge and his accordance with the law. So they came to Jesus and asked about marriage. At that time, there were two schools of thought: The followers of Beit Shammai held a strict approach, allowing divorce only for serious reasons, while the followers of Beit Hillel were much more lenient, accepting divorce even for trivial issues. The Pharisees wanted to know Jesus’ opinion: Did the Law allow or forbid divorce?

As he did many times, Jesus answered by asking: “What did Moses command you?” That is, what does the Law say? The Law allows the man to send away his wife, giving her a certificate of divorce (Dt 24:1-4).  

After this answer, Jesus had the opportunity to confront the Pharisees with God’s plan for marriage. Indeed, the Law allows divorce, but in doing that, the Law is in clear discordance with God’s will for marriage. The commandment concerning divorce was given “because of your hardness of heart”. In a given society, laws are made to regulate prevailing situations, and in doing so, those laws may be against the ideal that God proposes for us. Jesus makes it clear that divorce is always a sign of our sinfulness. From the beginning, God presents us with his plan for marriage. He took the bride to the groom, who accepted her as a partner with whom he could walk along the paths of life. In her, he could see a reflection of himself - “bone from my bones, and flesh from my flesh!” as both of them are made in the image of God. Bring them together, God intended them to be one. And Jesus gives the conclusion: “So then, what God has united, man must not divide.”

Let us pray for all married couples. May their love become stronger and give them the strength to overcome the difficulties they find in their journey together. May the Lord guide and protect them. 

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