Sunday 31 July 2011

Why are you looking for useless things?

Prophet Isaiah (Is 55:1-3), speaking in God’s name, presents us with a very clear question: Why to spend your time and energy, looking for things that cannot satisfy you?
All of us are hungry and thirsty of love and of life. We need to be noticed, recognized and accepted. To satisfy this need some are ready to do strange thinks that bring them out of the crowd in which they feel lost. In order to make a name for themselves, to be spoken about and to become famous, some are ready to break all rules and to do what others dare not do.  In the end, by whom do we want to be counted? Will it bring peace of heart? Will it give meaning to our lives? Why to spend our time and energy looking for what cannot satisfy us?
And Isaiah presents God’s invitation to each one of us: Come and get food and drink that satisfy your heart, without paying, just for free. God always accepts us and he is always ready to make a covenant of love with us.
The invitation remains. Why should we ignore it? We loose nothing in trying it out. And God will give meaning to our lives.

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