Saturday 6 August 2011

XIX SUNDAY, year A – Gospel: Mt 14:22-33

We need someone to calm our fears.

Every Sunday, the Liturgy presents us with a special message for each one of us. And if we listen with our hearts, we are able to discover what God is telling us and what he wants us to do, according to the situation we find ourselves in.
A huge crowd followed Jesus. It was already evening, when the Apostles reminded Jesus that it was getting late and people should be sent home. Jesus had compassion for the people and decided to feed them. It was late when they finished, and then Jesus told the apostles to cross the lake ahead, while he remained behind to dismiss the crowds, and have the opportunity to stay alone and pray.
Although by himself, Jesus was never alone, because he was always in communion with the Father. On the other side, the Apostles were alone, in darkness, over the waters, battling the waves in a windy night. Everything indicated danger! According to the old cultures of the Middle East, the turbulent waters of the ocean were the abode of terrifying dragons that bring chaos.  It is not surprising then that the Apostles were worried and their hearts were terrified with fear. When, in the darkness of the night, they saw someone walking over the waters and passing by, their fear exploded into a cry: Ghost! It is a ghost!
The overwhelming experience that they had gone through in the feeding of the crowds did not help them find reassurance. It is the same with us. When we are grasped by fear, we see ghosts everywhere, and we blame the wrong causes or the wrong people, instead of becoming aware of our own inadequacies and recognize our own fears. It seemed that Jesus was passing by, but he never passes us by. Instead, he is always here by our side, ready to say: "Take heart, it is I; have no fear."

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