Tuesday 13 December 2011

In Chililabombwe, for a wedding

Austin Chiluba and Cecilia Solo
Chililabombwe, in Zambia, is like my home. I worked there for many years, and there I have many friends, with whom I feel at home; they have become my family. As a priest, I had influence in the lives of many; however, that influence was reciprocal. They have taught me so much, and with their guidance and their love I have grown in wisdom and understanding. 
It was with great joy that I spent the weekend in Chililabombwe. Chiluba and Cecilia invited me to their wedding. Both of them were active members of youth groups; both enjoy singing and both were members of Yangeni Singers group. In their wedding ceremony, after the exchange of rings, they sang “Umbike pa cifuba cobe” (Set me as a seal upon thy heart), taken from the Song of Solomon 8:6-7).
In the years spent in Lubengele Parish, I always paid attention to the youth and I always made an effort to give guidance to the ones in a relationship, being aware that a good foundation for marriage starts in the early years, when love starts changing their lives. Young people need guidance and support, so that they enter in marriage with a love that is strengthened and cemented by their commitment to each other. And that guidance and support must be there during the early years of marriage as well.
To the Lord I ask that he may pour his blessings upon Chiluba and Cecilia and all the other young couples.

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