Wednesday 13 March 2013


The excitement of a new Pope. 
White smoke came out of the chimney. 
The bells rang, and St. Peter's square is packed with people.
The band in full regalia marches to the front of the basilica.
Waiting for the announcement...

During these days, we have heard it time and again. 
It has become the slogan in the mouths of the commentators: 
the Church is in crisis. 
Indeed! The Church has been in crisis for two thousand years. 
The boat of the Church has always moved through rough waters. 
But the Lord is in the boat.
We may think that he is sleeping, but he is in control.

Finally, the surprise comes.
Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio, from Buenos Aires is the new Pope.
The predictions were wrong.
The name is also unexpected: Francis.
Yes, Francis is his name.
The first with such a name.
Francis - the poor of Assisi,
who transformed the Church with his simplicity, his poverty and his faithfulness to Christ.
Francis Xavier - the apostle, the evangelizer, 
who consumed his life proclaiming the Gospel.
He is the 265th successor of St. Peter.
He asked people to pray for him.
May the Holy Spirit guide him,
so that he gives true witness to Jesus Christ,
proclaims the Good News
and guides the Church in unity and peace.

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