Wednesday 6 August 2014


Jesus sent his disciples ahead, while he remained behind with the crowds, waiting for them to disperse. When he remained alone, he went to a quiet place to pray.
Meanwhile, the disciples were on their own, alone in the boat, battling with a heavy sea. It was dark, and the boat moved very slowly ahead, because of head-wind.
When Jesus finished his prayer, he went to meet them in the middle of the lake, walking on the waters. The disciples cried in fear, seeing a ghost instead of recognising Jesus. Our world is full of imaginary ghosts that terrorise people, just because they are not able to recognise Jesus Christ. The fear of the unknown and of darkness fills the hearts of so many people, that all of us are in need of the reassuring word of Jesus Christ: “Courage! It is I! Do not be afraid.” (Mt 14:27).
In this part of Zambia, where I live, people are dominated by the fear of witchcraft, and they imagine to see or to discover witches everywhere, whenever they encounter suffering. Their hearts are always full of suspicion that someone may bewitch them or that they may be accused of witchcraft.
I always tell people that the ones who accuse their relatives or their neighbours of being witches, they are the real witches, because their hearts are full of hatred, and their minds full of suspicion, bringing division and hatred in the family and in the community.
This fear of witchcraft that dominates the hearts of so many hinders development and forces people to a semi-sedentary life. When death occurs, they will move somewhere else, as if death will not find them there.
All of us are in need of the reassuring words of Jesus Christ. And the Church must tirelessly proclaim this good news that bring comfort and peace to our hearts. We need to bring peace in the hearts of people and peace in the relationship with their neighbours.
The power of witchcraft is a joke, when in front of Jesus Christ, who is the Lord of lords and the King of kings. If we recognise Jesus Christ and turn our hearts and minds to him, witchcraft cannot have power over us.

Do not be afraid! Jesus is here. He is among us. Even when feel abandoned, he is just near us, ready to rescue us.

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