Tuesday 23 December 2014


Isaiah and his powerful message
In Isaiah, we can find some of the most beautiful passages of the Bible. The prophet shows his greatness by the powerful message that he proclaims, and he is a true craftsman in the use of the word at the service of his message, which is the message of God to his people.
Isaiah was not afraid of denouncing the unfaithfulness   of the people to the covenant made with God, and he did not miss his words, but put his fingers straight in the wounds, in order to bring conversion and healing. While challenging the people to change their ways, he presented a message full of hope. God’s power, which is a power of love, will come out victorious; and that victory is a victory in favour of his people.
The light that disperses the darkness
The Messiah is presented as the light, which comes to disperse the darkness covering our world. Indeed, the forces of darkness try hard and use all means to impose themselves and transform the world into a dungeon where everybody is locked up and transformed into a slave that has lost all hope of freedom and life.
A world of violence
Everyday, the news put forward the harsh reality of hatred and violence, as if we are living under sheer madness. Human beings can be the wildest animal, with a thirst for blood that is never satisfied. People are ready to glorify that which is shameful and meaningless. It is enough to remember the events of this past month: the brutal and merciless killing of school children in Pakistan; the mother who stabbed to death all her 7 children, in Australia; the women treated as slaves and transformed into sexual objects to satisfy the brutality of the militants of the Islamic State; and the constant threat to the security of the whole world by radical groups, who claim to do it at the service of God, a merciless god, who commands violence to all those who are seen as enemies.
Abusing the name of God
A lot of the extreme violence around the world is connected with the followers of Islam. The Al Qaida, the Talaban, the Boko Aram and now the Islamic State, all claim to be faithful followers of the Quran, and to kill at the service of God. 
Violence can be found everywhere, and among the followers of any religion. Christians, for instance, cannot claim to be innocent, because like many others, they have their hands tainted with blood, during certain periods of the history of the Church. However, any Christian group cannot claim faithfulness to the Gospel, while promoting and exacting violence. 
Jesus Christ came as Prince of peace, was born poor among the poor, preached a message of reconciliation and love, and chose to be killed instead of killing. The same cannot be said about Muhammad. With a religion, he created an empire. When attacked, he took arms and crushed his enemies, becoming their ruler. In the Gospel, Jesus taught to love the enemies (Mt 5:44) and advised to turn the other cheek to the one has  struck us (Mt 5:39). In the Quran, according to Muhammad, God teaches: 
“And fight in the cause of God those who fight you, but do not commit aggression; God does not love the aggressors.” (2/ 190)
“And kill them wherever you overtake them, and expel them from where they had expelled you.” (2/1 191)
“Whoever commits aggression against you, retaliate against him in the same measure as he has committed against you.” (2/194).
The rule of justice and righteousness
Isaiah promises a time of rejoicing, because people will suffer no more oppression, and the instruments of torture will be disposed of for ever. It will be a time of peace, when weapons will be burnt, and soldiers will be needed no more.
“For the yoke of their burden,
and the bar across their shoulders,
the rod of their oppressor,
you have broken as on the day of Midian.
 For all the boots of the tramping warriors
and all the garments rolled in blood
shall be burned as fuel for the fire.” (Is 9:4-5)
All this will be brought about by a child born for us. Any child is a promise of life, renewing our hope in a better future. But this child born for us carries with him the destiny of humanity. He is the “Prince of Peace”, and under his authority “there shall be endless peace”,  because he will rule “with justice and with righteousness from this time onward and forevermore” (Is 9:7).

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