Friday 19 June 2015


“Let us cross over to the other side” (Mk 4:35). 

Crossing over to the other side is always difficult and full of danger. And Mark stresses that it was evening, when light gives place to darkness, and our hearts are troubled by doubts and seized by fear. Crossing to the other side may be spurred by hope, but it forces in the pain of loosing what remains behind. It is a jump into the unknown, crossing through darkness, in the expectation of finding light, and with it rest and peace.
The journey of crossing over is full of danger. The disciples experienced the windstorm and their boat was overwhelmed by the waves that threw it left and right, up and down, threatening to sink it to the bottom. This real storm, experienced by the disciples, is a symbol of the storms of life that all of us go through. The boat “being swamped” is a symbol of the Church that struggles to remain afloat. The disciples were in despair, knowing that they “are perishing”. Jesus was there with them, but asleep, ignorant of all their troubles and despair. And they felt as if Jesus did not care and was ready to abandon them to their fate.
It is always in difficult times that we feel abandoned and deserted by God, and we think that he is asleep or maybe he is not there at all. We must find our own way and fight our own battles, and nobody will give us a hand. God has turned is back on us.
However, even though sleeping, Jesus was there with them. Seemingly absent, yet very present, and so much so that he reproached them saying: “Why are you so frightened? How is it that you have no faith?” (Mk 4:40). 

In times of pain, suffering and hopelessness, we must remember that we are not fighting our battles alone. We are never alone. He is always with us, and he will never allow us to perish. “Even the wind and the sea obey him”.

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