Saturday 17 February 2018


I SUNDAY OF LENT - Mark 1:12-15
In this Sunday’s Gospel,  is from Mark (1:12-15) presents a few details about Jesus. He went to the wilderness, guided by the Spirit and there he remained for forty days, being tempted by Satan. Jesus’ experience in the desert is the basis for our lent season. 
We may ask ourselves: What for did Jesus go to the desert? And he went there on an impulse by the Spirit. Before beginning his ministry, Jesus went to the desert for a time of silence and solitude. Those were days of intensive prayer, searching for the way to achieve his mission. It was a time for listening to his own heart and to the voice of the Spirit that speaks within. In forty days, Jesus went through the experience of the people of Israel who wandered for forty years, thus preparing himself for his ministry.
A desert is a harsh place, where the survival is difficult. Filled with awe, we are forced to recognise our smallness and our fragility. In order to survive, one must know where to find water and a resting place. One must be able to find the way that will lead him out of the wilderness. But endurance and the readiness to leave aside everything that is not essential are keys to success.
In the desert, we are made aware that we are not self-sufficient; in fact, for our survival, we are dependent on others and we depend on God. Life is not in our hands and we must make responsible decisions.
The desert was like a school for the people of Israel. During their stay in the desert, they made an extraordinary experience of God. They could feel God’s presence, the one who is always near, always accompanying us in our journey, walking side by side with us. God guided and protected them and he gave them instructions which are true guidelines for life. He made a covenant with them, by which he committed himself to them. God showed his care and his love.
And what was the people’s reaction? When they experienced thirst and hunger, they doubted God’s care and remained full of mistrust. They questioned God’s intentions, accusing him of evil. They put God to the test and revolted. They did not want to be dependent on God, and they chose to make their future with their own hands. Such attitude led them to a dead end. There can be no life outside the source of life.
In the desert, Jesus went through the experience of the people of Israel. Being tempted like them, he remained faithful, never questioning or doubting God’s love and care. In the desert, Jesus was able to find a place of rest, being in harmony with the creation: “He was with the wild beasts, and the angels looked after him.”
Then Jesus went to Galilee and started preaching the Good News: “The time has come’ he said ‘and the kingdom of God is close at hand. Repent, and believe the Good News.” (Mk 1:15)

During this Lent season, let’s accompany Jesus in his desert experience and thus find the strength to follow him up to the Calvary and then to resurrection. This time is a time of grace for us to reconcile with God and to believe in the Good News of God’s mercy and love.

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