Saturday 16 May 2020


VI EASTER SUNDAY - John 14:15-21
The disciples were worried about the future. What would happen to them after Jesus’ departure? Jesus reassures them saying: “I will not leave you orphans; I will come back to you.” Here, Jesus is not referring to his second coming at the end of times, but to a continuous presence among his disciples. How is it going to happen? He is going to send the “Paraclete” (παράκλητος), that is the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth, who will be with us forever. He will work within us and within the Church, being a “Counsellor", "Helper", “Advocate”, or “Comforter”. He will guide, protect and defend the Church so that she is a faithful witness to Jesus Christ and carries out the mission entrusted to her. It is not surprising then that, after the day of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples, we find continuous references to the presence and the action of the Holy Spirit. The big decisions, like the opening of the Church to the gentiles (Acts 10), the mission of Paul and Barnabas (Act 13) and the council of Jerusalem (Act 15) were taken under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. He is the one who makes the community possible. The first reading (Act 8:5-8,14-17) indicates that. After the persecution in Jerusalem, the deacon Philip went to Samaria, preaching the gospel there. Many people believed and were baptised. In Jerusalem, the Apostles heard about it and sent Peter and John to confirm them in the faith. “Then they laid hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit.” (Act 8:17). The receiving of the Holy Spirit made them one community with the Church in Jerusalem, united under the same leadership. Without the Holy Spirit, there is no Church. He is the one who takes us to Christ, leading us to recognise Jesus as the Son of God who came to save us. He is the one who transforms us from within so that the image of Christ becomes more and more visible and present in us. He is the Spirit of love, who kindles our hearts with the fire of his love, thus cementing the communion which makes us the body of Christ. He is the one who gives us the courage, the strength and the wisdom to be true witnesses of Jesus Christ.
In his first letter (1 Peter 3:15-18), Peter advises us to “always have your answer ready for people who ask you the reason for the hope that you all have.” That is only possible under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, who teaches us what to say.

Let us prepare ourselves to celebrate the great feast of the Pentecost, preparing our hearts to welcome the Holy Spirit.

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