Sunday 29 August 2021


XXII SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - Mark 7:1-8,14-15,21-23

Many passages of the Scriptures function like a mirror in which we can look at ourselves. They lead to self-examination, forcing us to recognise our shortcomings. Like the Pharisees, we hide our evil and corrupt intentions under a mask of holiness. We are very strict in judging and condemning others. Guided by fundamentalism, we become radical and puritanical, ready to denounce and exclude all those who do not comply with our (false) righteousness. 

The demand for politically correct speech and attitudes permeates society at all levels. Nobody can speak, teach or behave differently; those who do are banished from the public arena. If someone is accused of racism, homophobia, islamophobia and other kinds of phobia, then he/she is ostracised and stopped from intervening in society. A cancel culture has been created as “a modern form of ostracism in which someone is thrust out of social or professional circles – whether it be online, on social media, or in person.” (

Gender ideology is being imposed in schools and is taught to young children, creating the false notion that they can choose whatever gender they wish since gender is not binary and does not depend on the biological reality of the body. 

Some groups consider themselves as victims, being exploited and oppressed. Being victims they have the right to be compensated and to receive privileges to redress the injustice which they suffered. Despite beings minorities, they want to establish the rules which they impose on the majority, trying to create in them a complex of guilt and lead them into submission.

Today’s readings speak of the commandments that come from God. They were not given to oppress us, but to helps us achieve what is good and perfect. St. James writes: 

“Accept and submit to the word which has been planted in you and can save your souls. But you must do what the word tells you, and not just listen to it and deceive yourselves.” (James 1:21-22).

Since we will be judged by God’s commandments, we must keep them faithfully and wholeheartedly with a good conscience. What makes us unclean comes from within our hearts. When we allow evil to take possession of our hearts, everything else - our thoughts, our desires, our plans and our projects - becomes tainted and contaminated.

Let us pray that the Lord may grant us his Spirit to guide and strengthen us to be His faithful servants.

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