Saturday 25 February 2023


I SUNDAY OF LENT - Matthew 4:1-11

In the first chapter of Genesis there is an affirmation that can be considered revolutionary: “God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” (Gn 1:27) The human dignity is founded upon this truth that we are created in the image of God. The same truth is conveyed differently in Genesis 2:7 when we are told that “The Lord God fashioned man of dust from the soil. Then he breathed into his nostrils a breath of life, and thus man became a living being.” We have in us the breath of God, that is His spirit. We are not God, since we are formed from dust, but we carry in us a spark of God, his breath, meaning that we are created in the image of God. We are not the owners of life. Life is a gift from God and we will have to answer for it before God.

Since the beginning, human beings are presented with two realities that become a challenge to them: the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Gn 2:9). They cannot have both of them. So they are faced with a difficult choice. To facilitate human choice, God gave a clear order: you shall not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Despite God’s command, what was the human choice? They went for the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Maybe they thought that by having this one they would know how to get the other as well. Certainly, God was bluffing. Or was he afraid that the humans would become knowledgeable enough to overtake him and then get rid of him? However, God never bluffs. Sooner than later, man is forced to realise his fragility and mortality. And all the knowledge that he manages to acquire sounds empty and useless. Science makes a lot of promises, which many times end up in disaster. There is no way for us to become divine but to recognise life as a gift, accepting God’s path as the only path that leads us towards true life. We are tempted with all kinds of temptations, which have as their foundation the greatest temptation: We become our masters and the masters of the universe, substituting God and claiming the right to establish what is good and evil.

Adam and Eve were promised to “be like gods, knowing good and evil”. In the end, the only knowledge they acquired was that they were naked, and they became ashamed of themselves. Adam and Eve represent humanity - the humanity that chooses the path of death because they choose the path that leads them away from God.

In the Gospel, we are presented with Jesus, the new Adam, who becomes the only way to life. In Adam, we find disobedience and revolt, but in Jesus, we find faithfulness and truth with an unshakeable trust in God. He was tempted but he overcame the temptation and defeated the tempter, who is the prince of darkness and the father of lies (Jn 8:44).

After his baptism, Jesus went into the desert for a time of reflection, searching for a way to carry out his ministry. And he was faced with the three big temptations that have tormented humanity throughout the ages. All of us may be deceived and led astray accepting these proposals as the true way for development and peace. In all three proposals, Jesus is invited to put himself in the centre and to put everything at his service. Why not use his power to solve his problems and find his well-being? Does he need to suffer? He should become famous and be applauded and followed by all. What is wrong with that? Give people what they ask for and they will be devoted to you. Do marvellous things and everybody will recognise you. And most important, get power and wealth. That is the only way to change the world and create a new society. The proposals sound reasonable and true, but Jesus rejected them out of hand because they imply and lead to a rejection of God. In the end, all that selfishness, glory, power and wealth lead to division, discrimination, hatred, violence and war. They are not the road to peace. Jesus chose a different way - the way of service in humility and obedience. Guide your life by the word of God; never put God to the test and worship God alone.

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