Saturday 2 September 2023



All the New Testament, especially the gospels, was written as an answer to Jesus’ question: “Who do you say that I am?” Accepting Peter’s answer, Jesus considered his profession of faith as the rock upon which the Church is built. Indeed, Peter’s answer became the standard profession of faith of the Church: Jesus is the Christ (Messiah), the Son of the living God. Changing Simon’s name to Peter, Jesus promised to entrust him with the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven.

However, we may ask ourselves about Peter's and the other apostles’ expectations about the Messiah. Like all the Jews, they were waiting for a Messiah full of power and riches who would overcome the enemies of the people of Israel and conquer the whole world to establish God’s kingdom. The Messiah has to be a great king, the greatest of all. And the Apostles would share in that power and glory. Up to the end, when Jesus was ascending to heaven, they kept this false hope (Act 1:6). Thus, it is not surprising that they were shocked when Jesus told them that he would be arrested and killed in Jerusalem. Worried and confused, Peter could not remain silent. In the name of all the others, he said: “Lord, this must not happen to you.” This shows that Peter cared about Jesus’ life. He was concerned out of love, even if he was motivated by self-interest as well. But Jesus would not have it and rebuked Peter with harsh words, calling him Satan and ordering him to get behind and follow his command. From being the rock of the Church, Peter becomes Satan to Jesus because “You are an obstacle in my path”. And Jesus explained: You are thinking in man’s way but God has a different way. The wisdom of this world puts forward power, wealth and fame as the great values to which we must dedicate our lives. However, that is a path that leads to oppression and exploitation because selfishness is at the centre of it all. This selfishness uses the others as tools, causing divisions and bringing hatred and enmity. It is not the way to freedom and peace. In the desert, when tempted by the devil, Jesus had refused bluntly all these considering them as false values. However, the devil would not desist and he spoke through Peter’s mouth with words that sounded caring and loving. Jesus’ way - the only way - is a way of service, commitment and faithfulness, even if he risks losing his life. If we want to find salvation, we must get behind Jesus and follow him, taking on our cross as we follow him.

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