Saturday 2 December 2023


I SUNDAY OF ADVENT - Mark 13:33-37

As we begin the Advent, we are called to look forward to the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. We are left in no doubt that Jesus will come again. The word “advent” means just that: coming. arrival. The Messiah came the first time, being born from the Virgin Mary in Bethlehem, but he will come again at the end of times to complete the work of salvation and establish the Kingdom of God forever. However, despite being certain of his coming, we do not know when he is coming. If we are not careful, it may catch us unaware. That’s why, at the beginning of Advent, we receive this great warning: “Be on your guard, stay awake, because you never know when the time will come.” The warning is repeated three times. Stay awake and watch to welcome the Lord when he comes. 

We should ask ourselves what is the meaning of this warning. In the past three Sundays, we read chapter 25 of Matthew, where we found three parables that deal with the same theme. In the parable of the ten virgins, only those who had prepared themselves for any eventuality, taking with them extra oil, were admitted to the royal banquet. Then, to stay awake means to be prepared. They got tired and slept together with the others, but they had a reserve of oil which allowed them to keep their lamps burning. In the parable of the talents, we find the meaning of the extra oil: those who accepted God’s gifts and made good use of them with hard work, commitment and responsibility were rewarded and the great reward was to share in their master’s joy. The one who did nothing was punished, being thrown into darkness. Finally, in the parable of the last judgement, we discover that those who live by the commandment of love and allow themselves to be touched by the suffering of others are the ones who will enter the Kingdom of God, while those with hearts hardened by selfishness and pride will go to eternal punishment.

As we begin the Advent season, we are called to prepare ourselves to welcome the Lord Jesus into our hearts and our lives. If we do so, then we will be ready to join him when he comes.

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