Saturday 6 April 2024


II SUNDAY OF EASTER - Divine Mercy Sunday - John 20:19-31

In the gospel, we are presented with the Apostles gathered together on the first day of the week. we are made to guess that the first day of the week - that is Sunday, the day of the Lord - is the day of the Christian assembly. This first day signifies a new beginning or a new era, that is the era of salvation, in which humanity is created anew in Jesus Christ. The first day of the week is the day of the New Covenant, sealed in the blood of Jesus Christ. On this first day, the disciples of Jesus are called to gather together as the new people of God. However, “the doors were closed in the room where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews.” The disciples were not ready yet to be witnesses of Jesus Christ. They met together but in hiding, afraid of being rejected, caught and punished. It was in such a situation that they experienced the presence of Jesus, who came to bring peace to their hearts, breathing on them the Holy Spirit, who was to guide and strengthen them to be true witnesses of Jesus Christ. Jesus entrusted them with the mission he had received from the Father. They must proclaim the Kingdom of God and call people to repentance and conversion. They are endowed with the Holy Spirit to be able to exercise the ministry of reconciliation. It is through the Holy Spirit that they receive the power to forgive sins, making it possible to establish a new community, the community of the disciples gathered together in the name of the risen Christ. Such a community is to be guided by the commandment of love, where selfishness is overcome, giving place to sharing and communion. This new community is built upon the belief that Jesus is the Christ and the Son of God. Only those with such a belief have overcome the world, that is the power of evil that enslaves us, creating enmity and bringing chaos.

The faith in the risen Christ is the foundation upon which the new community - the Church - is built. Thomas - the one who could not believe it - had to come to his senses, making the encounter with the risen Lord, to become a full member of the community. In the end, his profession of faith expresses the belief of all of us: My Lord and my God.

As we gather together during this Sunday - that is, this first day of the week - let us proclaim aloud our faith, preparing our hearts to receive the Spirit that makes reconciliation possible. 

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