Saturday 24 September 2011

XVI SUNDAY: Phil 2:1-11

The political situation has changed in Zambia, and in fact big changes are expected. The second reading of the Sunday liturgy gives some insights into the type of attitudes that the new leaders should consider.
  1. Be united… This does not mean that all have to repeat the words of the President, or that any initiative and individual differences and gifts must be excluded. It simple means that they are able to work together and that they never fight each other. They must cooperate and build together. 
  2. With a common purpose and a common mind. The common purpose must be the service of Zambia and the development of the country done in fairness and justice. Selfishness must be excluded.
  3. There must be no competition among you, no conceit. Put away pride; have only pride for Zambia. Don’t quarrel among yourselves and do no compete for influence and position. “So that nobody thinks of his own interests first but everybody thinks of other people’s interests instead.”
  4. Always consider the others and respect them. Never despise or insult anybody. Instead, show respect and try to bring the best out of people’s abilities.
  5. Finally have the same mind as Jesus Christ, which was one of service. You were chosen to serve. Never use your political power to get profit or to be feared. That will destroy your political basis. Remember that no leader is eternal, and that people in the end gets tired, and when they are tired they will do to you what they did to others. Let people see that you are at their service and that you put their interests and worries at heart.

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